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03/08/11 Kobe Oji zoo (Kobe, Hyogo prefecture, Kansai)
Oji zoo and its giant pandas
02/08/11 Kobe Luminaries (Hyogo prefecture, Kansai)
Comments in English
02/08/11 Akame's 48 waterfalls (Mie prefecture, Kansai)
Comments in English
27/07/11 Nihon Wa now in english!
All photos are now accessible using english menu, the contents will be translated little by little. You can follow updates on twitter (nihon_wa) or on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nihon-Wa/246993565316200)
24/07/11 New photos on facebook page
15/07/11 Nihon Wa
Nihon Wa in english is coming soon!

3 connected visitors Nihon Wa by Lou © - 2005~2024 -
  visitors since the 20/06/2005